Green Tip of the Week: Throw a Red, White, Blue (and Green!) Picnic . . .

Picnics remain a staple of many Memorial Day traditions, but they can take a toll on the environment if not planned responsibly. While celebrating with your family, think about how you could observe the holiday in a way that respects our nation’s lost service members and the land they died protecting.

  1. To have a more sustainable picnic, pack reusable dishes and utensils.

  2. Cultivate a greater appreciation for (organic) food by shopping your local farmer’s market and supporting the farm-to-table movement.

  3. Try to prepare the right amount of food. Food waste accounts for 30-40% of the American food supply, a number that grows during holidays.

  4. Heading to your backyard instead of a local park gives you the same appreciation for the beauty of the earth and the taste of your food but the less you need to travel to get to your picnic, the less carbon footprint it adds to the environment.


June 22: Interfaith Gathering of Prayer and Action


Afghan Family Resettlement